Friday, March 18, 2016

So Many Reasons to Vote for Trump!

Making America Great...?

There are SO MANY REASONS to vote for Donald Trump this spring!  Here are just a few...

If you believe that Republicans' quaint preference for "Limited Government" should now be replaced by "Authoritarian Nationalism" then you should VOTE TRUMP this spring.
Sucker Punch at Trump rally
If you believe that "Compassionate Conservatism" should be replaced by "Violent Opportunism" then you should VOTE TRUMP this spring.

If you believe that our children's education standards should be set by the founder of Trump University then you should VOTE TRUMP this spring.

If you believe that the Smoot-Hawley style of protectionism that launched the world into the Great Depression in the 20th century deserves a re-test in the 21st century then you should VOTE TRUMP this spring.

If you believe that Americans pay prices that are FAR TOO LOW for imports then you should VOTE TRUMP this spring.

If you believe that slapping tariffs on imports would never lead to...retaliation by foreign governments then you should VOTE TRUMP this spring.

If you believe that the POTUS should fix foreign exchange rates rather than free markets then you should VOTE TRUMP this spring.

If you believe that Anger IS an Agenda then you should VOTE TRUMP this spring.

If you believe that it is safer to have an "outsider" novice in the cockpit of your 747 rather than a pilot with many hours of experience flying the plane then you should VOTE TRUMP this spring.

If you believe that the Old Testament is an "outdated book" whose admonition "Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child" (Ecclesiastes 10:16) has no relevance to the choice faced by American voters in 2016 then you should VOTE TRUMP this spring.

If you believe that a candidate who refuses to disclose his taxes has absolutely nothing to hide from the American public  then you should VOTE TRUMP this spring.

If you believe that the travel rights of American citizens should be determined by their religious affiliation then you should VOTE  TRUMP this spring.

John McCain

If you believe that John McCain, veterans of the Bataan death march in World War II, Tommy Hitchcock (see video below) and even Winston Churchill (captured in the Boer war) were never heroes then you should VOTE TRUMP this spring.

If you believe that "Bush lied, People Died" and that Michael Moore basically got it right on 9/11 and the Iraq war then you should VOTE Trump this spring.

Kim Jong Un on a "Good Hair Day"
If you believe that our next Commander in Chief should match North Korea's Kim Jong Un in terms of militarism, mental stability and haircut then you should VOTE TRUMP this spring.

If you just started rooting for the Kansas City Royals and the Denver Broncos in the past six months then you should VOTE TRUMP this spring.

"The Putin"
If you believe that Putin had a point in killing journalists and that libel laws should be strengthened then you should VOTE TRUMP this spring.

If you believe that Neidermeyer was the real hero of 1978's Animal House then you should VOTE TRUMP this spring.

If you hope for all members of the GOP in Congress and in statehouses to be sandblasted from the political scene for the next decade then you should VOTE TRUMP this spring.

If you believe that Nancy Pelosi should be given a second chance as Speaker of the House then you should VOTE TRUMP this spring.

If you believe the many polls which showed that Trump would win Florida were accurate but that the many polls which show that Trump will lose to Hillary (or Bernie) in the general election are bogus (6 out of 7 according to RCP... then you should VOTE TRUMP this spring.

If you believe that Hillary should begin measuring drapes for the White House then you should VOTE TRUMP this spring.

You can find signed copies of Christopher Kelly's book America Invades
or regular copies here on Amazon...


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