Monday, March 11, 2013

"Operation Wagging Freedom"

Vincent Driano and Winston
Train from Canterbury to London
It may now be safely disclosed that Commander Kelly recently participated in a covert operation.  Commnader K. assisted,"Argo-style," in exfiltrating a chocolate Labrador puppy from the socialist utopia of modern England, where an honest woman is not even allowed to defend her honor with pepper spray, to the good 'old land of the free -- US of A.  This hound, at any rate, will be spared the indignity of an extended NHS waiting list when it comes time to replace his hip!

This puppy has a bold Conservative Anglo-American name -- Winston Spencer Driano.  He may have been "running amok in Kent" but he will not be seen drinking a Pina Colada at Trader Vics or becoming one of the werewolves of London (see Warren Zevon video below)!

Curious Brew helped expunge
memories of Winston's first tummy-churning car trip
Winston was born on at Buckholt Labradors, a farm near Canterbury in Kent ( -- it should be called "Canterbury Wagging Tails Puppy Farm".  If you must have one of your own, chocolate, black or yellow please contact this outstanding breeder...Frances Mount (

Frances Mount bidding adieu to Winston
Canterbury, UK
We are re-modelling now (Lord, save me!) in London and have been out of our house for the past 9 months.  Our family is, therefore, living in a flat where dogs are not allowed.  Hence the need for covert action.  I must disclose that we did not obtain any assistance from the Canadian embassy in London in the execution of "Operation Wagging Freedom".

This puppy has a proud Anglo-American Conservative name.  Winston the puppy declares, "We will lick them on the beaches, we will lick them in the air...we will never take a bath!"

After quick trip to the vet for some jabs and a pet passport, Winston (Tony Mendez did not assist with the documentation.) was hustled to an "undisclosed location" somewhere in London...

Winston in a canvas bag with discrete blanket
About to be smuggled by co-conspirator to "undisclosed location"
After a couple of nights in London, Winston was whisked off by Airpets to Seattle Washington where he now resides with a happy family.

Commander Kelly concludes, "Operation Wagging Freedom was an unqualified success whose glory was not dimmed in the least by our failure to discover puppy deposits of mass destruction on our white carpets (or at least not too many)."

PS Curious Brew really is an excellent hoppy beer...If you are curious check out...

Winston Spencer Driano


  1. Two paws up ! ! ! Way to "take care of business" . . .

  2. This is a literary masterpiece! I read the blog post aloud to Winston, and we both agree that we are honored to be the subject of the Commander's musings. However, Winston does take exception to the bit on the 'yellow rugs'. He says (waving his paw) he has no recollection of urinating on that carpet! (He says too he does not know that woman, Ms. Lewinsky
