Saturday, December 8, 2012

Merry Christmas and Peace on Earth!

This is my Christmas card for ALL my readers--those who agree and especially those who don't!

Thanks to all my readers.  Thanks also for those who comment, join the site and share the blog with others!

Commander Kelly hopes for "Peace on Earth!"

God Bless and keep safe all those who serve the cause of human Freedom.

Two Special shout outs from the video:  1) For those incognito dancers from Damascus, Syria -- May 2013 bring some relief from your immense suffering and some measure of peace and...

2) For those serving the cause of peace and freedom aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln--I was fortunate to see this ship starting a "Tiger Cruise" (with family members) in Honolulu in the spring of 2011.

  Keep Dancing!

Special Thanks Matt Harding from Seattle/WA!

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