Monday, September 24, 2012

Proof of Reincarnation...?

Eternal Recurrence of the Dung Beetle (Mao Ze Dung Beetle?)

If General George S. Patton (see earlier post, Patton Quotes 8/12/12) and the Buddhists are right about reincarnation and cosmic justice then, given the moral characters of Hitler, Stalin and Mao (see earlier post Mao Ze Dong -- Major Badass, 9/10/12), there must be three dung beetles out there somewhere in the world -- one with a swastika, one with a hammer and sickle and one with a little red book on their respective backs.  Perhaps an enterprising entomologist will someday verify my hypothesis for the benefit of metaphysicians and theologians everywhere!

"Do We Reincarnate?"

The Galaxy Song

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