Monday, September 10, 2012

Obama Picks up Key Endorsement!

"Just Another Dictator for Obama"

Did you watch some of the Democratic National Convention last week in Charlotte?

President Obama seems to have picked up what could prove to be a critical new endorsement.  Russian President Vladimir Putin has praised Mr. Obama calling him a "a very honest man" and rebuked Mr. Romney for calling Russia "without question the No. 1 geopolitical foe" of the United States.  Putin describes Obama as "kind and sincere" as well.

Was it just my imagination or did I see Putin himslef at the convention hall in Charlotte last week?  I could could have sworn that while the cameras were panning in search of a token Caucasian male with short hair who supports Obama, I saw a buffed guy who looked just like Putin and was sporting a placard that read..."Just another Dictator for Obama".

One can only assume that this ringing endorsement from the ex-KGB operative will also mean the spigot of union contributions to Obama's campaign will now begin to flow from the "Secret Policeman's Malevolent Fund" as well.  This could really tip the scales in the fall...!

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