Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji, Japan

Mount Fuji is like a beautiful but shy Japanese maiden, rarely peeking out from her cloud kimono.  I spent three nights recently in the Mount Fuji area near lake Kawaguchiko and only saw the mountain on one morning -- but what a sight it was!

Fuji-san from Lake Kawaguchiko

Fujisan is an iconic symbol of Japan as well as a natural treasure.  Mount Fuji is the tallest mountain in Japan at 3,776 meters or 12,388 feet in height.  Due to horrendous weather and poor visibility, I was unable to climb Mount Fuji on this trip.  I did, however, take a taxi up to the "Five Points" trailhead and poke around a bit on the Mount Fuji trail.

Mount Fuji Trail, Extreme Wetness

Climbers typically start their ascent at 9:00pm and climb through the night in order to summit around sunrise at 4:30am (see video below).  The short climbing season lasts from July through August.

Climbers on misty Fuji
This is the point that marks the start of your climb...

I did, however, have occasion to walk around the gorgeous lake Kawaguchiko which lies at the foot of the mountain.  Here is a map of the area...

Mt Fuji Area map

There were interesting statues and monuments near Lake Kawaguchiko...

Water nymphs flying over Lake Kawaguchiko

Japanese monument
There was a nearby Buddhist temple...

I prefer fat gods!
The Japanese are into "cute"!

Swan boat, Lake Kawaguchiko
The Samurai spirit still lives in Japan...

Samurai, Lake Kawaguchiko

Commander Kelly says, "I really have a Yen to go back to Japan and try Mount Fuji again!"

If you would like to book a Ryokan in Japan see...

Commander K. and Mt. Fuji

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